REad & teach inclusive books
Hi, I’m Hannah Wadsworth.
I love the reaction I get when I tell folks I taught middle school language arts. Their facial expressions — a unique mix of horror and awe — always make me earnestly explain myself. Yes, middle school is tough. But these tweens and teens are so fun, so smart. Everything they do is raw and unvarnished. And that’s why I love talking about books with this age group. Get the right book in front of them and they are transformed.
That’s what Middle School Book Life is all about: helping teachers figure out the best books to teach so that you can positively transform students’ lives.
First Year Working in Schools
Young Adult Books Read
Earned National Board Certification
Teachers Coached
“Hannah features books that kids will genuinely enjoy reading.”
“Her summaries, suggested reader age, and ‘Recommend this book to students who enjoyed…’ sections give you the confidence to recommend titles you haven’t read yet (though you’ll certainly want to read all of her picks!). Hannah gives thoughtful ideas for how to incorporate her selections into your classroom either as independent reading or as part of your direct instruction, and she includes links to activities, hand-outs, and neat projects. Featured books are current, diverse, and appealing. This newsletter has introduced me to so many titles I can’t wait to share!”
-Katie D., educator
Contact me
For anything about teaching great books.